6 Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer is almost here and you might be excited to head outside and enjoy the sun and warm weather. If you’re ready to enjoy your time outdoors, it’s important to take steps to keep yourself safe.

Here are six summer safety tips for seniors living on Vancouver Island:

Stay Hydrated

The most important thing to do during summer is to make sure you are drinking enough fluids and eating fruits and vegetables to stay hydrated, even if you are not feeling thirsty. Remember that caffeinated and alcoholic beverages should also be minimized as they dehydrate your body.

Protect your Skin and Eyes from the Sun

Wearing sunscreen should already be part of your daily routine, but if it’s not, it’s recommended that sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher is worn every time you are outside. It is also recommended that seniors wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays so that they don’t get irritated or damaged.

Avoid the Outdoors During Peak Time

During summer, there are certain times throughout the day that are considered ‘peak times,’ where the sun is at its strongest and can cause greater fatigue for longer periods of time. If it’s possible, try to avoid or limit your time outdoors between 10 am to 4 pm.

Wear Lighter Clothes

By wearing loose-fitting clothing that isn’t too thick or bulky, you can stay comfortable for a longer period of time in the Summer. If you avoid tight, constricting pieces of clothing, you will avoid constricting your joints and over-producing sweat. Natural fabrics such as cotton are the best to keep you cool.

Reduce Strenuous Activities

Although the nice weather may have you excited to do a bunch of activities outside, strenuous activities should not be done for longer periods of time as you will feel more exhausted and are at a greater risk of dehydration.

Watch for Signs of a Heat Stroke

Knowing the early signs of a heat stroke can help save your life and lives of those around you. Signs of a heat stroke are disorientation, confusion, headache, nausea, dry skin, and a rapid pulse.

If you’re looking for a senior’s retirement community on Vancouver Island, check out Ross Place or Lakeside Gardens on Vancouver Island. With a warm and friendly environment, experience what a independent seniors community has to offer. Book your tour today!