The C.A.R.E. Fair

The C.A.R.E. Fair (Community Access to Resources and Engagement) sponsored by CFUW Saanich Peninsula held June 6, 2024 at Mary Winspear in Sidney was a huge success, which filled a real gap in the community for easy access to timely, targeted information for seniors. The anticipated 500 – 700 attendees turned out to be over 1,100!
The following was a typical response from many sources in the community:
“I’m writing to commend you all on a spectacular event! It was one of the best events of its kind that I’ve ever experienced, from the volunteer greeters to the excellent presentations, and the well-organized exhibits. I was particularly impressed by the fact that the exhibitors were invited to attend and present their services, rather than opening it up to commercial and other interests. I had helpful conversations. Thanks again for organizing such meaningful event and for helping seniors like us age in place!”

From the responses event attendees came away better informed about the services on the Peninsula available to them as they age, which was the goal of the event. Some attendees came particularly to talk with certain vendors or hear specific presentations while others were open to everything thing the Fair had to offer. Because many of the vendors had handouts and each person received a directory of all vendors and speakers the information offered has a longer “shelf life.”
The environment of the Fair was very upbeat. Seniors often find service people do not really understand the issues experienced with aging, or the messages and expectations of them are unrealistic. All the volunteers (seniors themselves) greeted people with enthusiasm and patience, the vendors knew their audience and issues and thus talked with attendees with understanding and respect. The presenters dealt with their topics in a realistic yet positive way, providing tips and facts and often humour.

How was the Fair financed so it could be free to the public? Financial support came from the councils of the three municipalities on the peninsula, the Saanich Peninsula Hospital and Healthcare Foundation, a Federal New Horizons grant and six local businesses.
A very warm thank you to all who contributed to make this a stellar event: the 51 volunteers, the 12 presenters, the 60 service providers, the funders and the planning committee of 11 senior members of CFUW Saanich Peninsula who demonstrated the power of women working together.