As summer winds down and fall approaches, memories of back to school come flooding back, even though it was, well a lot of years ago! The best was getting new school supplies, felt pens, notebooks and pencil cases. The getting back into a routine was okay, and the time to read and learn was good as well.
Maybe you feel ready to get back into a routine and want to challenge yourself by learning something new. Our Fall Program Guide is now available at our centres and online at Registration is well underway and you can sign up in person, by phone or online. Most of our popular programs are offered again along with some new and unique activities to try.
If you are new to Silver Threads a good place to start is our Monthly Socials. It is a good opportunity to meet other members, have a coffee and a chat and visit the Centres. At Victoria the date is Tuesday, September 17th, and at Saanich, uesday, September 24th. Both are from 1:30 to 2:30pm.
The Choose to Move Program offered in partnership with Beacon Community Services is a free Community Program to help older adults become more active. It is not a fitness program but is a social group to help you set goals and connect with resources to make it happen!
From the Ground Up will teach you how to get up from the floor and over 8 weeks will build your strength and mobility. Both Choose to Move and From the Ground Up are offered at the Victoria Centre.
If crafts and arts are more of interest, the Victoria Centre will have a 6 week Line and Wash Watercolour that combines pen and watercolour. At the Saanich Centre Sashiko Japanese-Style Embroidery will teach you the techniques over 4 classes, you will finish a piece of your own in the class.
During the Fall, Creative Arts for Gifting will teach Card-Making at the Victoria Centre and Gift Making at the Saanich Centre. The first Gift Making class on October 1st will teach you how to make a tray that looks like sushi but are really a wearable pairs of socks! What a fun gift to surprise someone with.
Silver Threads membership is valid at both Centres, however, is not required to participate. We have 53 different weekly registered programs, 41 weekly drop ins and 43 monthly activities from September to December.
Silver Threads Service has been serving the community for 67 years.
Our Saanich Centre is located at 286 Hampton Road, in the Tillicum Gorge neighbourhood and can be reached at 250 382-3151. Our Victoria Centre is located at 1911 Quadra Street, near the Police Station and can be reached at 250 388-4268.