Tips to prevent pickleball injuries

Pickleball is thriving, and that’s great news for those who love the game. Unfortunately, pickleball also has proven beneficial to orthopedic practices. A 2023 analysis from UBS estimated pickleball injuries could cost Americans nearly $400 million in 2023. Seniors are especially vulnerable to pickleball injuries, as a 2021 study published in the journal Injury Epidemiology […]
It Hit Me Like a Hammer!

Q: Dr. Crapo: Last week I saw my dentist. I didn’t have any particular problem but when he checked me out, he flat out told me I was going to lose my back teeth. He said they would get loose and then infected and need to come out. He said there were some irreversible signs […]
Apple Introduces Hearing Aid Feature

There’s always a bit of a buzz when Apple releases a new product. People line up for hours, even days, to be the first to get their hands on the latest iPhone. On September 9th, Apple introduced what they’re calling an “all-in-one hearing health experience” with AirPods Pro 2. There has been talk about AirPod […]
Why swimming is so good for your body

Engaging in fitness activities that are enjoyable can increase the likelihood that a person will remain committed to routine exercise. In addition to being fun, swimming is an exercise that benefits the entire body. It’s also ideal for people of all ages, as the buoyancy of water reduces the strain on muscles and joints.Healthline reports […]
Senior driving education vs assessment

Many geriatric researchers presenting at safety conferences agree that education, not testing, is the answer to seniors driving longer and safer. Prior to intervention by family, government, medical personnel or police, seniors should take charge of their driving situation. It is best to prepare for an impending driver assessment well ahead of time. It will […]
Does Gum Disease Prohibit Dental Implants?

Ask The Dentist!by Dr. C Ross Crapo DDS Q: I am a 60-year-old woman with gum disease. Does this prohibit me from having dental implants? A: Welcome to the general population! At least 80% of adults your age have some element of periodontal or ‘gum’ disease. Initially, the symptoms are inflamed and tender gums that may […]
Ask the Hearing Professional: What to Expect at Your First Hearing Test

Taking the first step towards better hearing can feel daunting. Here’s what to expect during your first hearing test with Ears To You. Q: What happens during the initial consultation? A: You’ll start with a warm welcome from our registered Hearing Care Professional, who will discuss your lifestyle and hearing concerns to tailor the approach […]
Thinking about retiring? Add ‘Hearing Test’ to your to-do list

Donna M. Stewart,M.A.,Aud(C), RAUDRHIP, Audiologist and Owner, Hear Inc. The perfect retirement means something different to each of us. The dream might be golfing a different course every day of the week, traveling the continents in search of the perfect beach, making the world a better place by volunteering with a service club, or spending […]
Back to School for the 55 + crowd!

As summer winds down and fall approaches, memories of back to school come flooding back, even though it was, well a lot of years ago! The best was getting new school supplies, felt pens, notebooks and pencil cases. The getting back into a routine was okay, and the time to read and learn was good […]
The C.A.R.E. Fair

The C.A.R.E. Fair (Community Access to Resources and Engagement) sponsored by CFUW Saanich Peninsula held June 6, 2024 at Mary Winspear in Sidney was a huge success, which filled a real gap in the community for easy access to timely, targeted information for seniors. The anticipated 500 – 700 attendees turned out to be over […]